Why Don’t You Cry About It?
Welcome to Why Don’t You Cry About It?, your mish-mosh of a weekly newsletter. I've been writing as long as I can remember. From sappy love songs to my first grade crush, to the melancholy poetry of my first heartbreak in sixth grade, pen, paper and I have always meshed.
Here's some things you can expect in this space:
Your dose of pop culture. Here you’ll find reviews of reality shows, music and more.
Personal essays and writings. I encourage honest, vulnerable conversations surrounding mental health, self-love, and sharing whatever lurks in the crevices of my mind. If you'd like a taste of my writings, I invite you to check out my Musings section of my blog.
Exposing My Diary is back baby. I'll be sharing more of my diary entries from yesteryear.
Commentary on social media trends.
Videos? Podcast? Who knows! The content possibilities are endless.
I'm excited to have you along for the ride. If there's anything you'd like to see more you, just let a gal know. <3
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