Reel of someone I don’t follow
Where are the photos?
Another ad
Who is that?
I already saw this on TikTok
Another ad
Closes app
And thus describes today’s experience on Instagram.
“Is Instagram over?”
It’s the question I’ve been asking myself recently. Whenever I’ve been doing my bi-hourly scroll on the app, I feel more devoid of inspiration and just actually caring, more so than the usual dread social media brings. To be totally honest, I feel like an old-head using Instagram in the way that I do now, and it feels as if Instagram is the new Facebook (@ Meta).
A prophecy perhaps!
Where’s the drama! Where’s the pizzazz! The joie de vivre! Or at least, the illusion that once was (this won’t be a post about the inauthenticity of social media).
Obviously there are also the old standards as to why it’s losing its luster, such as comparing oneself to others, mentally and emotionally draining, feeling frustrated with engagement/performance, etc… but it’s fallen quite a bit as platform.
Ever since the Zuck took over the once photo-only sharing app (and don’t get me started about the current head of Instagram), it’s been molded into an advertising, money-making machine - for example, so many of my notifications now are from Sephora proclaiming that an item is now on sale. This all shouldn’t come as a surprise. The app did also continue its trend of stealing features from other social apps, with TikTok being the latest (how long until it includes some sort of BeReal feature?).
All this to say - it’s not fun anymore. And this isn’t a dig at any creators, because so many of my favorite creators make fantastic content on Instagram, but rather the direction the app is taking. I personally don’t even feel the desire to create content for Instagram anymore. When I say this, I mean my personal account, not for any brand accounts I work on. Which leads me to saying, these changes in Instagram have affected how I approach social strategy in my job.

I recently tweeted the reasons why I’m currently not liking Instagram, which includes the following:
Suggested Reels (I can’t see myself getting behind reels when we have TikTok, especially when I just repurpose a TikTok as a Reel).
Posts from ppl I don't follow because I liked similar content (this is what I use the explore page for).
The onslaught of ads/sponsored posts (not people doing them, but sponsored posts thru Insta).
Suggested products I might like.
I also asked on my Instagram story if people feel similarly, and here are some of the responses below:
So, I ask - what are your current thoughts on Instagram? Do you see yourself staying here?
That’s enough ranting for today, mmmmm g’bye
You're speaking to what so many of us have been feeling. It's really starting to feel more like a chore and a distraction than a place for meaningful connection, inspiration, or creativity.